Below is a list of publications and working papers, which use the WhoGov data:
Betz, Timm, David Fortunato, and Diana Z. O’Brien. "Do Women Make More Protectionist Trade Policy?." American Political Science Review (2023): 1-9.
Nyrup, Jacob, Hikaru Yamagishi, and Stuart Bramwell. “Consolidating Progress: The selection of female ministers in autocracies and democracies.” American Political Science Review (2023): 1-20
Nadporozhskii, Ilia. "Influence of elite rotation on authoritarian resilience." Democratization (2023): 1-21.
Phan, Diep Hoang. "Lights and GDP relationship: What does the computer tell us?." Empirical Economics (2023): 1-38.
Steinert, Nico, and Tim Steinert. "Presidential Power and Cabinet Design in Sub-Saharan Africa." Acta Politologica 15.1 (2023).
Woldense, Josef, and Alex Kroeger. "Elite Change without Regime Change: Authoritarian Persistence in Africa and the End of the Cold War." American Political Science Review (2023): 1-17.
York, Erin. "Ministries matter: technocrats and regime loyalty under autocracy." Political Science Research and Methods (2023): 1-13.
Bokobza, Laure, Suthan Khrisnarajan, Jacob Nyrup, Casper Sakstrup, and Lasse Aaskoven. "The morning after: cabinet instability and the purging of ministers after failed coup attempts in autocracies." The Journal of Politics 84.3 (2022): 1420-1436.
Erlandsen, Matthias, María Fernanda Hernández-Garza, and Carsten-Andreas Schulz. "Madame President, Madame Ambassador? Women Presidents and Gender Parity in Latin America’s Diplomatic Services." Political Research Quarterly 75.2 (2022): 425-440.
Inácio, Magna, Mariana Llanos, and Bruno Pinheiro. "Cabinet Reshuffles in Latin America: A Function of Presidential Reputation." Government and Opposition (2022): 1-23.
Kavasoglu, Berker. "Opposition party organizational features, ideological orientations, and elite co-optation in electoral autocracies." Democratization 29.4 (2022): 634-654.
Kim, Yooneui, Kangwook Han, and Sung Min Han. "Political Leaders, Economic Hardship, and Foreign Aid Allocation." Foreign Policy Analysis 18.4 (2022): orac018.Kroeger, Alex, and Alice J. Kang. "The Appointment of Women to Authoritarian Cabinets in Africa." Government and Opposition (2022): 1-24.
Kroeger, Alex, and Alice J. Kang. "The Appointment of Women to Authoritarian Cabinets in Africa." Government and Opposition (2022): 1-24.
Falisse, Jean-Benoît, Robert Macdonald, Thomas Molony, and Paul Nugent. "Why have so many African leaders died of COVID-19?." BMJ global health 6, no. 5 (2021)
Dahl, Malte, and Jacob Nyrup. "Confident and cautious candidates: Explaining under‐representation of women in Danish municipal politics." European Journal of Political Research 60, no. 1 (2021): 199-224.
Working papers
Asatryan, Z., Baskaran, T., Birkholz, C., & Hufschmidt, P, Favoritism by the governing elite.
Bokobza, Laure, and Jacob Nyrup. 2022. The rise of authoritarian multiparty governments.
Jiang, Junyan, Tianyang Xi, and Haojun Xie. In the Shadows of Great Men: Leadership Turnovers and Power Dynamics in Autocracies.
Mechkova, Valeriya. 2021. Women Leaders: Exploring the Effects of the Chief Executive Gender on Budget Composition in Comparative Perspective
Nyrup, Jacob. 2020. The myth of the benevolent autocrat? Internal constraints, external constraints and economic development in autocracies.
Schmid, Jonas and Jacob Nyrup, There's No Gratitude (In Dictatorships): Economic Performance and Finance Minister Removal across Regime Type.
The Washington Post/The Monkey Cage. 2021. Janet Yellen will be the first female treasury secretary in U.S. Why are so few women in top economic posts?
L'Express. 2020. De plus en plus de femmes ministres : oui, mais...
Mandag Morgen. 2020. Europas magthavere er historisk unge.