Academic Profile

People Feature

Zack Grant

Research Fellow
Postdoctoral Researcher, Nuffield Politics Research Centre

Research Interests: Voters and voting behaviour; British politics; environmentalism; inequality and welfare attitudes; race and immigration attitudes.

I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Nuffield Politics Research Centre at the University of Oxford.

I am interested in understanding why people think the way they do about inequality, the welfare state, immigration, and the environment in Britain and other advanced democracies. I do this by analysing quantitative survey and contextual data, as well as through the use of experiments.

I am particularly interested in understanding voter reactions to four ongoing trends in western societies:

  1. Rising levels of immigration and ethnic diversity.

  2. The intensification of climate change and the rising costs of environmentalist policy.

  3. Ageing societies and the rise of intergenerational inequality.

  4. The development of technology and the roll-out of AI in the job market.

My work has been published in the academic journals Comparative Political Studies, Journal of European Public Policy, Party Politics, West European Politics, and the British Journal of Political Science.

My personal website can be accessed at:

Zack Grant


Peer Reviewed Articles

  1. Grant, Zack, Jane Green, and Geoffrey Evans. 2024. 'Care Risks: How Concerns about Having to Look After Older Family Membes Increases Support for Government Spending on the Retired'. Journal of European Public Policy. https://doi/full/10.1080/13501763.2024.2440639#d1e750
  2. Grant, Zack and Geoffrey Evans. 2024. 'A New Dilemma of Social Democracy? The British Labour Party, the White Working Class and Ethnic Minority Representation'. British Journal of Political Science. 54 (3): 793-815. DOI:
  3. Grant, Zack and James Tilley. 2023. ‘Why the Left Has More to Lose from Ideological Convergence than the Right’. Party Politics. 29 (5): 803-816. DOI:
  4. Grant, Zack. 2021. ‘Crisis and Convergence: How the Combination of a Weak Economy and Mainstream Party Ideological De-Polarisation Fuels Anti-System Support’. Comparative Political Studies 54 (7): 1256-1291. DOI:
  5. Grant, Zack and James Tilley. 2019. ‘Fertile Soil: Explaining Variation in the Success of Green Parties’. West European Politics 42 (3): 495-516. DOI:


  1. Grant, Zack, Jane Green, and Geoffrey Evans. 2023. Family Matters: How Concerns for Younger Relatives Bridge Generational Divides. London: Resolution Foundation. DOI: nal-nprc-rf-intergenpol-gb-110923.pdf 

Working Papers

  1. Grant, Zack, Jane Green, Geoffrey Evans, and Gaetano Inglese. 2024. `The Expansion of Articial Intelligence: Public Attitudes and Political Risks'.
  2. Grant, Zack, Jane Green, and Geoffrey Evans. 2023. `Family Matters: How Concerns about the Financial Wellbeing of Younger Relatives Shape the Political Preferences of Older Adults'. Under Review. = 4423823.